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The Pastoral Prayer: Don't Ditch It! Don't Wing It!

Pastoral Prayer

Brothers and sisters, Greetings in the name of the Great Shepherd who loves the church and gave Himself for her. This week we get to hear from Brad Somers, who was prompted in his thoughts by our National President, Steve Jones. The topic is pastoral prayer. The Pastoral Prayer: Don't Ditch It! Don't Wing It! Every Church has a way of leading its congregation in worship...

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An Update from Our President


Brothers and sisters, Greetings to you all. It was so wonderful to see many of you at our Fellowship National Conference in Toronto this week. I think FA had the greatest representation, considering the number of churches we represent. We had warm fellowship with other delegates from our region and with men and women from across our country. Because of the National Confe...

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A Testimony from Frank Kohler


Brothers and sisters, I am so delighted to be in partnership with you in this gospel work! Not only do we aspire to be stronger together, but we are showing signs of one-another ministry. Below is a testimony from our brother in Christ, Frank Kohler. In chapter 3 of Dave Harvey's book Stronger Together, we read, "Commitment and collaboration are central to society's he...

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Music in the Church

Worship in the Church

Brothers and sisters, Greetings to you all. Here's a shocking and sad quote from the Toronto Sun:"The 13,241 MAID deaths last year accounted for 4.1% or one in 25 of all deaths in Canada, says Health Canada's fourth annual report on MAID deaths, adding all provinces except Manitoba and the Yukon continue to experience growth in 2022." We need national and local repent...

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Giving Biblical Counsel

Biblical Counsel

Brothers and sisters, It was such a joy to see so many of you at our Supercluster this past Thursday. Thank you for making the effort to be there and for participating in our discussions. Thank you to all who worked hard to make this event a success. Here is a summary of what we talked about: Just as the answer to bad authority isn't no authority, so the answer to poor...

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Why Doesn't My Neighbour Go to Church?


Brothers and sisters, Our Supercluster in Truro is this coming Thursday! (Oct. 19). Pastors, I encourage you to plan to be there to gather with other pastors as we praise God and edify one another. We will have some time to share, some teaching, and some food. In preparation, please read pages 53-66 in Stronger Together. (If you don't yet have the book, please let us know...

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The Christian Virtue of Thanksgiving

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Brothers and sisters, Our Supercluster in Truro is coming soon! (October 19). Pastors, I encourage you to plan to be there and gather with other pastors as we praise God and edify one another. We will have some time to share and some teaching. In preparation, please read pages 53-66 in our Stronger Together books in preparation. THANKSGIVING: We read in God's word that t...

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An Update from Wayfarers' Church

Wayfarers' Grand Opening

Brothers and sisters, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that you are confident in His steadfast love and are resolved to earnestly follow Him as a disciple of Jesus Christ. This week we were delighted to receive an update from Andy Ardern, who, along with a team of others, is planting Wayfarers' Church in Spryfield, NS. He sends us an update on their...

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The Splintering of Canadian Reformed Evangelicalism


It was so good to see many of our pastors at the clusters last week! It is good that we can look back over the summer months and remember the faithfulness of God. It is also good that we have opportunity to get together with other men in ministry to encourage, to pray, to laugh, and to cry together. We are absolutely stronger together. I point you to a recent article by o...

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Encouragement in Ministry

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Brothers and Sisters,Sunday, September 17 was Opening Day for Wayfarers' Church. Please pray for Andy Ardern and the team as God uses them to bring light to Spryfield. Thank you to our churches who are contributing with funds and with people. I encourage you to check outTimothy Trust. This is a ministry that exists to equip expository Bible teachers for the revitalization...

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