New Regional Director Announcement

Fellowship Atlantic Regional Council is pleased to announce that Doug Campbell has accepted the position of Regional Director for Fellowship Atlantic. Get to know Doug... ...
Keep ReadingMy purpose in writing this treatise is to help you as a pastor prepare for your retirement, the end of your public ministry or whatever name you choose to call it. It will come to an end eventually....
What does Easter Mean? Delivered. Take a look at a video Main Street Baptist Church did to help celebrate Easter....
Greetings from Open Arms Church in Parrsboro! We want everyone to know how much we feel blessed to meet in our new building. ...
COVID-19 has certainly changed the way we worship... Yet nothing can stop the work of Christ in the lives of people. Amidst this "new normal" churches are finding innovative ways to celebrate and worship together. Faith Baptist Great Village and Open Arms Parrsboro are two churches that are moving forward in faith and doing this a bit different. Both churches held services in the great outdoors recently. ...
Wondering what ever happened to the quick build at Open Arms Parrsboro? Well take a look at the photo album - the work continues. ...
Fellowship Atlantic Regional Council is pleased to announce that Doug Campbell has accepted the position of Regional Director for Fellowship Atlantic. Get to know Doug... ...
We are planning another "online cluster" for May 21st from 9 to noon with special guest Tony Schnare. Tony will be facilitating a conversation "Pastoring Through a Pandemic." We will investigate the emotional and spiritual trauma of Covid-19 on ministry staff and volunteers. ...
Fellowship Atlantic Regional Council is pleased to announce that Doug Campbell has accepted the position of Regional Director for Fellowship Atlantic. Get to know Doug... ...
Keep ReadingWe do baptisms the old fashioned way. What do I mean by that? Two things. One, we do them in the river. Have you ever been to a river baptism time? What a time it is! We make a big celebration picnic part of the day. We feel that it’s such a big deal that we make a big deal out of it - all the church family and lots of guests gathered at the river to watch people take a ...
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