Encouragement in Ministry
Brothers and Sisters,
Sunday, September 17 was Opening Day for Wayfarers' Church. Please pray for Andy Ardern and the team as God uses them to bring light to Spryfield. Thank you to our churches who are contributing with funds and with people.
I encourage you to check out Timothy Trust. This is a ministry that exists to equip expository Bible teachers for the revitalization of the Canadian church. I attended their refresher last year and it was wonderfully helpful. The teaching was top notch and the food and location were excellent. They are returning to Atlantic Canada on October 2 -4 at the Mill River Resort in O'Leary, PEI. We need excellent Bible teachers and preachers in our area and, if God allows, please consider reserving your spot today.
A good quote as we follow Christ this week: Jack Miller, a pastor and missionary who mentored others, wrote to a friend who was in pastoral ministry and was discouraged. In this letter, he said:
“One thing that can be hard for a pastor is just the enduring. After you are in the pastorate for a decade or more, you begin to see many weaknesses and sins in yourself and many failures in the ministry, and even become increasingly aware of resistance in God’s people to change. As our insights grow, so do our temptations to increase in despair. As a friend in Christ, I would urge you to resist that temptation. Frequently take time to look over the church, your ministry, your family, and give thanks for each good thing you see. So not only endure in the ministry but blossom with thankfulness and praise. Perhaps you have heard me say this before, but I like to think of repentance and praise as allied to each other – both forms of sanity. Repentance is a return to God as my center. Praise is the lifting up of God in honor as my center. But to move out away from the center without repentance or praise is to be eccentric, irrational, and insane. But what a simple thing it is to humble the heart and return to sanity by repentance and praise.”
May God bless you and keep you.
Andrew Swanson
President of Fellowship Atlantic
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